Creating a listing template
If you sell items with common characteristics, setting up listing templates can save you time and effort.
Listing templates allow you to pre-fill parts of the listing form, so you do not have to start from scratch every time you create a new listing.
For example, if you frequently list Men’s T-shirts on Poshmark and Mercari in excellent condition, you could create a template called T-shirts Mercari/Poshmark.
This template would have Poshmark and Mercari preselected, along with the category and condition already filled in.
This feature is a great time-saver for many users. To create and use a listing template, follow the steps below.
Listings templates are also used in the context of editing your listings in bulk. Click here for more information.
Step 1: create a listing template
To set up a listing template, navigate to your listing overview and click the green arrow attached to the Create button at the top of your screen.
Then, select Create new template from the dropdown.
Step 2: complete your listing template
You will now be prompted with the same listing form as if you would have created a new listing.
Here, you can complete the listing information that is shared throughout your inventory.
Moreover, you can even add a specific image that needs to be present in all of your listings, such as for example a business logo.
When you are finished, you can give your listing template a suitable name at the top and save the template using the Save template button at the bottom right of your screen.
You have now succesfully created and saved a listing template.
There is no limit to the amount of listing templates you can create.
Step 3: use your listing template
To use your listing template in the future, all you need to do is click the green arrow attached to the Create button and select Start from template from the dropdown.
You will now see a pop-up that lets you select the listing template you’ve just created.
Managing existing templates
To manage your existing templates, including editing or deleting them, click the template icon in the main menu on the right-hand side.