Linking existing listings
Sometimes, you may already have listings cross listed outside of Crosslist but want to manage them within Crosslist as well.
For example, if you imported a listing from Poshmark, but the same item already exists on Mercari, Crosslist will automatically connect it with the Poshmark listing.
However, the Mercari listing won't be linked automatically.
In such cases, you can manually link the Mercari listing to your inventory.
Once linked, you will be able to view and manage these listings in your inventory, including the ability to delist them when needed.
Step 1: navigate to the listing detail page in Crosslist
First, go to the listing detail page in Crosslist for the listing you want to link to an external listing.
Then, open the Actions menu at the top right of your screen and click the Link existing listing button.
A prompt will appear, asking you to enter the URL of the external listing.
Step 2: navigate to the listing detail page on the marketplace
In a new browser tab, navigate to the detail page of the listing you want to link on the marketplace.
To do this, go to your listing overview on the marketplace and click on the specific listing.
Once on the detail page, copy the URL from the address bar. Ensure you copy the entire URL, including the https:// at the beginning.
Step 3: paste the external URL
Return to the Crosslist listing detail page and paste the full URL of the external listing into the input field. Then, click Confirm.
Crosslist will automatically detect the marketplace and retrieve the listing details.
If a listing for the same marketplace is already linked, you will be prompted to confirm whether you want to overwrite the existing connection.
Please note that only one listing per marketplace can be linked at a time.
Once linked, the external listing will appear in the Listed on column of your dashboard.
You can then manage it directly through Crosslist, including delisting it as if it had been originally posted via the platform.
Repeat this process for each marketplace you want to link to the listing.
To link an external listing on Depop, you must use a computer with Google Chrome, have our Chrome extension installed, and be signed in to Depop.
For other marketplaces, these restrictions do not apply, and you can link listings on mobile.