Editing listings in bulk
Crosslist lets you easily edit your listings in bulk from our dashboard.
This feature allows you to update multiple listings at once, such as adjusting prices, changing conditions, or updating categories.
You can perform bulk edits in Crosslist efficiently using listing templates.
Creating a listing template
To get started, you need to create a listing template.
For a detailed tutorial on creating a listing template, click here.
When setting up the template, include only the fields you want to update in your listings. This ensures that only those specific fields will be modified when the template is applied.
Some fields will only show up after you pick a marketplace, since they’re only needed for certain ones.
Applying the listing template
To apply the template to your listings in bulk, select the listings you want to modify in your listing overview and click the Bulk actions button at the top right.
Then, click the Apply template to X listing(s) button:
Now, select the template you want to apply from the list of templates.
When you apply a template, all selected listings are updated with the data it contains.
The affected fields are replaced with the new values specified in the template.
And that’s it! Your listings have been successfully updated in bulk.
Applying the template to the selected listings will overwrite the existing fields in those listings with the corresponding non-empty values specified in the template.
Please note that this action cannot be undone.
To adjust prices, whether increasing or decreasing them, we recommend using price markups. With price markups, you can easily set a different price based on the marketplace you are listing to.